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Springtime Polar Bear Families, Aurora and More

With Guide, Conservationist and Photographer,
Paul Goldstein



Paul Goldstein

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Join us for an exclusive opportunity to learn from the best in the business as Arctic Kingdom co-founder Graham Dickson introduces this presentation from guide, photographer and polar bear expert Paul Goldstein. This will be lavishly illustrated with both spectacular imagery and video as both he and his friend Graham will cover everything associated with this extraordinary and unique wildlife journey pioneered by Arctic Kingdom.

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Early Birds Capture the Bears

Are you ready to take on the remotest part of the Canadian Arctic way before the more traditional time to travel there?

Are you ready to see bears as they emerge from hibernation with their tiny cubs?

Are you ready to see the aurora gilding vast sculpted grounded icebergs?

Fewer than 200 people have done this adventure since its inception in 2018. If you want to be one of them, then join Paul and Arctic Kingdom for this lecture and perhaps even his fifth photographic journey next March or beyond.

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Polar Bears in the Arctic
Paul Goldstein

Meet Paul Goldstein

Paul Goldstein is a renowned wildlife photographer based in the UK. He's been capturing remarkable images of wildlife and landscapes for almost 30 years and is very well known, not only for his photographic style but also his humor, outspokenness and strong opinions, particularly on conservation.
Paul has guided in six continents, has a big following of guests and clients and has raised over half a million dollars for endangered wildlife and other causes he feels strongly about.
He writes prodigiously and his photography has garnered many awards. He loves this Spring Polar Bears and Icebergs of Baffin Island Safari with a passion and vigour that is almost not normal. An experienced and accomplished raconteur — you have been warned.

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